
The VC controller should accept outputs from the fire panel to input 12. This is labeled as 'Fire input' on the PCB. Once the cabling is correct we can move onto the programming of the controller

Device Info Management

From the main Vantage Point Screen select Device Info Management tab. Once the screen opens, follow the steps below: 

1. Select System Input 4.

2. Click the tick box to enable the Input.

3. Change input device type to Fire Alarm  and check the Enable tick box.

4. Change the Input device type to NO [Normally Open] or NC [Normally Closed] depending on how your fire panels outputs operate.

5. Click Save.

Device Info Management Systems Function Tab

1. Click the check box to enable the relevant controller and then click Save to send the changed data to the selected controller

Event Monitoring

Once the controller receives an input from the alarm panel all relays/doors will open.

You will receive the above event in the Event Monitoring window.

If the Event Monitoring window is active you will see the following message on screen.