1. Start Vantage Point.
2. At the log-in screen click the database tab.
Here we'll create a new database for company #1
Fill in the following details:
Database Server: Your SQL server instance
Database Name: The name of the database for company #1
Database Login ID: Your Database login
Database Password: Your database password
3. Click connection test and OK after message screen.
Click yes. Vantage Point will create the new database. Click OK.
4. Click on to the Login tab and enter the default
Username: admin
Password: admin
VantagePoint will load.
To create the second, and any additional companies, repeat steps 2-4.
At step 2 give the database a different name.
Using the above steps, we can continue to add many databases using a different database name for each company. Using Microsoft SQL management studio we can see the 2 company databases created.
Tip: we would advise changing the default login password for each company to mitigate any accidental system editing.