GuardPoint10 Release notes

Created by Robert Owen, Modified on Fri, 9 Aug, 2024 at 12:08 PM by Meredith Littleton

GuardPoint 10 version 1.100.92 - July 8th, 2024


  1. The Badges screen now includes License plate numbers

  2. The framework of the License Plate Recognition (LPR) support is as follows:

  • In the Badges grid, the Badge Type License Plate Recognition is now displayed for badge codes that represent LPRs. A non-LPR badge type cannot be changed to an LPR badge type, and an LPR badge type cannot be changed to a non-LPR badge type. It's now easy to get a list of all the cars in the system by LPR type filtering and saving the corresponding Report template.

  • A new License Plate column is now available for the Badges grid. The License Plate column displays the actual license plate number printed on the plate.

  • New From Date and Expire Date columns are now available for the Badges grid. These columns display the date ranges at which the LPR is valid.

  • The Description text of an LPR badge will, by default, contain the actual license plate number. The description text is editable, like non-LPR badges

  • The Badges screen context menu allows a user to:

  • Change the status of an LPR badge (e.g., Free, Stolen, Lost, Cancelled). Once the status has been changed to one of examples, the car is not authorized to access the parking lot.

  • Assign a free License plate number to a new/existing cardholder.

  • Delete a free LPR badge from the system

  • Open the cardholder details popup of an assigned LPR badge

  1. Multiple report types have been added to GuardPoint 10

  2. The following grids are now available, allowing you to generate reports:

  • Department grid has been added to the Departments screen: Press the ‘Table’ button to display a comprehensive presentation of GuardPoint 10 departments, with their default MAG and the associated Access Groups with these MAGs in a configurable table format.

  • An Access Groups grid has been added to the Access screen: Press the ‘Table’ button to display a comprehensive presentation of Access Groups and their relationships with MAGs and readers in a configurable table format. It's now easy to generate a report of all the readers included in a specific Access Group or MAG, or to find out which Access groups a specific reader belongs to.

  • Weekly Programs grid has been added to the Time Zone screen: Press the ‘Table’ button to display information about characteristics that make up the system's Weekly Programs. Each variation, from green zones to day of the week, appears as a new entry (row) in the report.

  • Two User grids have been added to the Users screen: Press the ‘Table’ button to see the list of the GuardPoint 10 users who can access the system with their profile attached and other details including their Locked status. Press the ‘Screen Authorizations Report’ button to display the list of authorized system functions/screens to which each GuardPoint 10 user has access with the type of permission (Read-only / All).

  • Reader Permissions screen has been added to the Management task group: This screen displays a grid showing the list of Authorized readers by cardholder. This grid allows you to know who has access rights to a specific reader and by what means (MAG, Personal AG or Temporary access).

  1. Except the Reader Permissions report, a report is accessed via the screen ‘Table’ button. In the report, click the Edit button to return to the screen where the item was added.

  2. Each grid has filter options for fields, as well as an option for saving and loading filters and another one for exporting the current report layout to an Excel or PDF file as well as printed from the report screen.

  3. Configuring report tables is done by:

  • Selecting the columns

  • Changing the order of the columns

  • Sorting or filtering options in each column

  • Dropping a column header on to the Group By bar above the report table

  • Entering criteria in the Report Search field

  1. A saved report template (a snapshot of a report table layout) may be applied to the displayed report table and managed in the Report Templates screen. A report template may also be selected in a Global Reflex Create Template-based report action.


  3. GuardPoint 10 now supports DESfire badge integration

  4. DESfire refers to a family of Smart card (badge) technologies known for their high security, reliability, and versatility in that it supports multiple applications on a single badge (i.e. Access control, Public transportation and Cashless payment systems).

  5. GuardPoint 10 supports DESfire EV1 card secure reading with STid readers allowing to read a STid file into a DESfire card and integrate the relevant data for GuardPoint 10. The following is required to support the DESfire badge integration:

  6. Requirements:

  • The IC2001/IC4001 controller with a STid firmware

  • RemoteSecure interface with firmware “SU237A02” or higher.

  • Com2 Kit module to connect with the RemoteSecure interface

  • Serial STid readers

  • STid USB reader/encoder ‘ARC-AC1’ for writing badges

  • STid SECard application

  1. Note that for a completely encrypted communication, the IC2001/IC4001 board may be equipped with the Lantronix XPORT-EDGE module (optional) which allows AES-128 encrypted communication between the controller and the GuardPoint 10 server.

  2. New and updated GuardPoint 10 UI elements have been added to include support for DESfire badge integration:

  • DESfire Application button: The button is found on the Infrastructure screen’s Action bar. It opens the DESfire Application screen.

  • DESfire Application screen: Where application files that will end up on badges are declared. A maximum of two files may be loaded for each application. Files are programmed in a third-party program called SECard. Install SECard on the machine where the application files will be declared and readers configured. We assume that the user is already familiar with DESfire technology and the SECard program.

  • Updated Reader details popup > Miscellaneous tab > Interface: This is where the DESfire interface is set, and the mode is determined. The mode can be set to read the standard CSN number, or the card codes from a secured file located in the DESfire card memory.



Right-clicking on Unknown access events in the Event Log now displays a context menu. The context menu includes the following items:

  • Activate Relay for 5 Seconds: Activates the corresponding door relay for 5 seconds. This option is also available for other types of access events. This context menu item is only available to users with a profile where they are authorized to open the Diagnostic screen.

  • Attach to Cardholder: Allows you to assign an unknown badge to an existing cardholder. When the 'Unknown License Plate Detection' option is set, this option will allow you to attach an unknown License plate number to an existing cardholder.

  • Attach to new Cardholder: When a visitor arrives who is not in the system, this option opens a ’New cardholder’ pop-up window with the unknown badge already assigned. When the 'Unknown License Plate Detection' option is set, the option allows you to attach the unknown License plate number to a new cardholder.


  • Each LPR assigned to a cardholder now has an optional date range where a user can determine when the LPR is valid. The LPR validation dates are optional and may be entered via the assigned cardholder’s details popup Personal tab in the same row as the LPR entry. If the current date is outside the specified date range, the LPR’s status is automatically changed to ‘Canceled’.

  • Use photo button has been added to the Cardholders’ details popup > Biometric tab. When using Suprema Face readers (e.g., Biostation3, FaceStation F2), click this button to use the currently displayed JPEG image in the Photo frame as a face template instead of enrolling a cardholder’s face. As part of the Use Photo process, the relevant biometric readers will be updated with the new face template. If there was an enrolled face template entered previously, the photo will replace it. After clicking the Use photo button, the face enrolment process will no longer be available.  
     This feature is also available via API commands (see below).


  • A new API called Create new full cardholder with photo as biometric enrollment face has been added. The API will use the same image file specified for a new cardholder’s photo as an enrolled biometric face template.

  • A new API called Update cardholder with photo as biometric enrollment face has been added. The API will use the image specified for an existing cardholder’s photo as an enrolled biometric face template.

Bug Fixes


  • FixedRemoving an Access Group from a Multiple Access Group will no longer negatively impact cardholders who are already assigned the Multiple Access Group.

Web module

  • FixedThe Web module will now consistently display cardholder details.

Cardholder import

  • FixedAn imported new Access Group will now be case-sensitive and maintain the same letter case as that entered in the import Excel spreadsheet.

  • FixedIt's now possible to import existing cardholders when both options, 'Allow duplicate names' and 'Unique cardholder number required', are enabled.


  • FixedWith Qognify NVR (QVMS 7.3), cameras set to ‘motion detection’ and the GuardPoint 10 Video Security screen set to Video mode, the most recent video recording will now display in the Video screen tile.

More information about the Enhancements and Improvements in this release may be found in the Online Help.


Guardpoint10 version 1.100.05 - Oct. 24th, 2023


  1. Integration with Otis Destination Dispatch Lift Solutions 
    Otis Destination Dispatch Lift Solutions are a type of elevator technology that utilizes a computer-controlled system to optimize elevator traffic and improve overall efficiency.
    By integrating Guardpoint10 with an Otis Destination Dispatch Lift type, you can use cardholder information to manage the lift’s keypad. This allows you to restrict floor and car door selection via the elevator keypad to those floors where the cardholder may be granted access.
    To integrate the Otis solution, the license must have the Otis module and the Display Otis Lift option must be set to YES in the Options > General screen. Then you will be able to add lift controllers via the Infrastructure screen and add Otis Lift access groups via the Access screen. An Otis Destination Dispatch Lift Access Group (DDLAG) can then be managed and assigned to cardholders like any other Lift Access Group.
     A cardholder can be assigned to multiple DDLAGs as long as DDLAGs are for different lift bank groups.
  2. Saved Lift Access Groups have been restructured in the Access screen
     Each type of Lift Access Group (traditional, Kone, Otis, and ELSGW) now has its own group. The group will only appear when it contains a Lift Access Group.
  3. Multiple Access Groups (MAGs) can now contain multiple Lift Access Groups 
    Each declared Lift Access Group type has now its own table in a MAG’s details.
     As long as they come from different Lift Bank Groups, multiple destination dispatch Lift Access Groups of the same type can be added to the same MAG.
  4. A Global Reflex Event Trigger has been added for destination dispatch lift events 
    A Lift Request Proceeding event occurs when destination dispatch lift data is sent to the lift server where access is determined. The trigger event is found in the Access trigger event group.
  5. A Parking module is now available in Guardpoint10 
    The Parking Lot Access Control System is a comprehensive solution designed to manage and regulate entry and exit activities within one or more parking lots. A cardholders vehicle can access a Parking Lot as long as the cardholders Parking group is assigned to a Parking Zone in the Parking Lot.
     The access logic is based on: 
    • An integrated LPR camera scan
    • Parking Group definition via the Cardholder screen to manage the parking resources for a particular group of cardholders (new)
    • A cardholders Parking Group assignment via the cardholders details General tab (new) 
    • A cardholders Multiple Access Group or Personal Door Access Group assignment 
    • A cardholders active license plate assignment via the cardholders details Personal tab
    • A Parking Lot definition via the Setup > Area screen (new)
    • Parking Zones definition added to a Parking Lot as a sub-Area with the allocated parking spaces for one or more Parking Groups (new)

      To use the Parking module, the license must have the Parking module and the Enable Parking Access Control option must be set to YES in the Options > General screen. Also, the controller firmware version must be recent (from 18/08/22 or later).
       Note: Guardpoint10 identifies an LPR camera as a reader and it can be added to a Door Access Group (DAG) like any other reader.
  6. Cardholders can now be assigned multiple car license plates 
     For cardholders having more than one car, you can now assign more than one license plate to the cardholder in the cardholder details’ Personal tab. From this same tab, a license plate’s badge code status can be managed. The status can be set to ‘Canceled’ or ‘Active’ (not canceled).
  7. Unknown license plates are now displayed on the Event Log screen
    Guardpoint10 now supports HIK cameras to display unknown license plate numbers in the Event log. Just connect the Wiegand output to the controller like any reader, define the reader as LPR reader and set the Unknown License Plate Detection option to YES in the Options > General screen. The camera and Guardpoint10 will now handle license plates that are unknown to the Guardpoint10 system by displaying the actual plate number in the Event Log screen as an Access Denied event for the unknown license plate.
     For your information, we have realized our tests with the HIKVISION Network Camera DS-2CD3646G2/IP-IZS (2.8-12MM). This camera provides high-definition imaging with 4 MP resolution.
  8. Integration with DOM smart cylinder technology solutions
    DOM smart cylinders replace a mechanical cylinder, allowing a cardholder to unlock a door via an Guardpoint10 badge code (badge, fob, phone, etc.) rather than a traditional key.
    To use the DOM module, the license must have the DOM module and the Display DOM option must be set to YES in the Options > General screen. Then you will be able to add DOM networks, controllers and doors via the infrastructure screen, and include the doors in the Door access groups.
  9. Guardpoint10 now supports Suprema’s BioStation3
    BioStation 3 (BS3) provides multiple credential options including a QR code as a badge. The terminal is smaller than previous models, but offers the largest variety of features. Badges and QR codes can be enrolled directly from the BioStation 3 (after defining the reader as an enrolment reader).
     Note that to implement QR code support, you must have: 
    • A BioStation 3 reader with firmware version 1.1.0 or above.
    • A Suprema QR code license
  10. ‘Wait for a delay’ action has been added to the Global Reflex screen
    This action is used in a Global Reflex that has multiple actions. It allows the system to wait a specified amount of time (up to 3600sec) before executing the next action if wanting to execute actions sequentially and not simultaneously.
    Scenarios where a user would want to use this action would be to activate a relay 30 seconds after a card swipe or to arm an Alarm Zone 10 seconds after arming another Alarm Zone, etc.
    Note that this action does not work with User Interface actions (like ‘Display message on PC’ or ‘Play sound’).
    The Wait for a delay action is found in the Other Actions group. To use it, the license must have the Advanced Global reflex module.
  11. ‘Clear all areas’ action has been added to the Global Reflex screen
    From this version, it is possible to automate the daily reset of the location at a specific time (midnight, for example) with a Global reflex.
    This action automatically empties all Areas, puts moved people in Offsite and updates the Area Roll Call screen accordingly.
    The Clear all areas action is found in the Cardholders group. To use it, the license must have the Advanced Global reflex module.



  • A cardholder’s picture can now be edited in Guardpoint10 allowing it to be cropped, rotated, flipped, and more. In a cardholder’s details popup, mouseover the cardholder’s picture to display the new Edit Photo button. Click the Edit Photo button to open the cardholder’s picture in an editor.
  • A new enhanced Excel import spreadsheet has been created with additional columns and expanded functionality to some of the existing columns. See the column heading tooltips for more information. The names of the new columns are: 
    • Ignore MAG
    • Email
    • Mobile
    • Phone/Fax
    • Office Phone
    • Is Additional LPR
  • A cardholder’s Last Name and First Name can now be changed via the Import Cardholder process. Note, to implement this feature, in the spreadsheet, the cardholder must have a Cardholder Number value, and in the Options > General screen, the Unique cardholder number required setting must be set to YES.
  • The Import Cardholder process can now replace a cardholder’s badge code based on the select badge type. For example, if a cardholder has two badge codes (00000001 and 00000002), where 00000001 is Type A and 00000002 is Type B. To replace the Type A badge via the import spreadsheet:
  • Enter the new badge value in the Badge Code column (i.e. 00000004).
  • Enter “Type A” in the Badge Type column.
  • Enter “0” in the Is Additional Card column.
  • After the import process successfully completes, the cardholder will only have badge codes 00000002 and 00000004.
  • The default cardholder’s Personal Weekly Program no longer has a <None> setting. The new Default Personal Weekly Program setting is WP Never.
  • In the Cardholder details, the method of selecting a Personal Lift Access Group (LAG) has been modified. The drop-down list selection method has been replaced with an ‘Add / Manage’ popup to support multiple LAG selections. A Lift Access Group filter in this popup makes the selection process more structured.
  • Lift Access Groups can now be added to the built-in Anytime Anywhere Multiple Access Group.

Security Center

  • You can now resize videos that are shown on the Security Center screen.
  • A Security Center map’s Door/Input icon updates are now determined by the physical status of the linked input rather than logical status (i.e. when a door contact input is open, whether defined as "normally closed" or "normally open", it will always be represented as open).
  • In the Security Center screen’s toolbar, the Auto select last alarm checkbox is now unchecked by default.
  • On the Security Center screen, map and icon loading is much quicker.


  • Guardpoint10 now supports Qognify Cayuga VMS SDK version R19.
  • The Video Logical Tree now includes a Search & Find tool where arrows to the right of the tool’s text field will go to the first occurrence of the text in the tree.
  • If two or more cameras in the Logical Tree are linked to a single reader or input, where an event took place, all of the cameras will automatically display in tiles ('Unpack’ feature).


  • Some customers have doors that don’t have a reader, and for these they simply want an alarm in case the door stays open too long, but don't want the forced-door alarm. The Reader details’ Access mode tab now includes an Inhibit ‘Door Forced’ Alarm checkbox. When the checkbox is selected, no alarm will be fired when the door is opened without credentials (no ‘Door forced’ alarm). If the door is left open for too long, the delayed alarm will be fired.
  • A new Mantrap 5 option has been added for the readers. With this option, if a Door contact input or Door relay in the mantrap is triggered, all of the other readers and RTX buttons in the mantrap will be blocked (prevented from working) until the input/relay is returned to its previous state.
  • Suprema Biometric readers can now be configured to output Wiegand 40 Bit format codes. The 40 Bit format can be selected in a reader details Biometric tab. Note that when using this format, if a badge is created manually, it must have 10 digits (e.g. 0000000001).


  • The Event Log, Event History, and Display Events screens, have new alarm description text for door alarms:  
    • "Start of Alarm (Delayed)" has been changed to "Start of Alarm (Delayed. Door still open)"
    • "Start of Alarm (Immediate)" has been changed to "Start of Alarm (Immediate. Door forced)"
      Additional information about the door reader has been added in the Origin column of the Event Log.
  • The Area Roll Call report, the T&A Roll Call report, and the Time & Attendance report now have more export options. The new options are: Excel Worksheet (xlsx), PowerPoint, Word Documents, and XPS Document.

Badge Printing

  • There is now a “CR80 Format” built-in Sample Badge Template available. This Sample template is configured with the standard CR80 format dimensions in Landscape orientation. The CR80 format is a standard format used by many customers for card printing. The CR80 format is the most common ID card size, it is also known as credit card size. The card measures 8.56 cm wide by 5.398 cm high.


  • Kone and Otis Destination Dispatch Lift Solutions are now supported in a Multisite environment. When Multisite is set to YES in the Options screen, the root site is automatically the permanent Owner of all destination dispatch Lift Bank Groups. Therefore, all Lift Bank Groups are shared with all sites.
  • The following Multisite rule changes have been implemented for a better site monitoring experience:
  • When a site A cardholder swipes at a site B reader, the corresponding access event is visible to site B users only.
  • When a site A cardholder swipes at a site B reader that is shared with site A, the corresponding access event is visible to both of the sites’ users.
  • When a site A cardholder swipes at a site A reader that is shared with site B, the corresponding access event is visible to site A users only. When we say "visible", it means in the Display Events screen, the Event log screen, the Event History and the Time and Attendance screens.
  • In a Multisite environment, a shared reader will appear in the Anytime Anywhere Multiple Access Group of all sites, where the reader is shared.
  • In a Multisite environment, regular (non-super) users belonging to the Root cannot see the ‘Anytime Anywhere’ Multiple Access Group, which includes all readers of all sites. Only Root super users can see it and give it to a cardholder.


  • Two months before the Support/Upgrade Maintenance period expires, a daily popup message will appear on the Guardpoint10 screen to notify the user. If customers do not want to update their license, they can disable this popup message from the new “Maintenance Support Ending” option located in the Options/General screen. Note, the Support/Upgrade Maintenance expiration dates are displayed in the License screen.


  • In the Options > System & SQL screen, the SMTP mail server password will now appear hidden, as dots in the graphical interface.
  • From now, if the API module is not included in the Guardpoint10 license: 
    • The Options > General screen’s Pass events to API field is disabled.
    • The Options > System & SQL screen’s Display API keys field is disabled.
  • A new option “Disable Galaxy warning message from Global Reflex” in the Options > System & SQL screen allows to disable Warning popup messages that appear when triggering Global reflexes on Galaxy panels that have lost communication.


  • In the API Get Cardholders call, you can now apply a filter for a specific Customized Field value.

Log files

  • A comprehensive record of Galaxy events is now in a designated "..\ProgramData\ACS\Logs\Galaxy_log.txt" file. This log includes all of the SIA frames sent and received by the Galaxy panel.
  • A comprehensive record of Otis events is now in a designated "..\ProgramData\ACS\Logs\Otis_log.txt" file. This log includes all Otis lift related events.
  • A comprehensive record of Kone events is now in a designated "..\ProgramData\ACS\Logs\Kone_log.txt" file. This log includes all Kone lift related events.
  • A comprehensive record of ELGSW events is now in a designated "..\ProgramData\ACS\Logs\Elgsw_log.txt" file. This log includes all ELGSW lift related events.
  • A comprehensive record of DOM events is now in a designated "..\ProgramData\ACS\Logs\DOM_log.txt" file. This log includes all DOM door cylinder related events.

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed: Imported Door Access Groups can now be appended to an existing list of Door Access Groups already assigned to a cardholder.
  • Fixed: Edits made in the Import Cardholders popup will now be included in the final stage of an import process. 
  • Fixed: The ‘Valid From’ and ‘Valid To’ values entered in the Excel spreadsheet will now appear in the Import Cardholders popup.
  • Fixed: Swapping badge codes between two cardholders via the Import Cardholder process will now be successfully performed. To setup the badge swap in an import spreadsheet: 
    1. In the import spreadsheet, enter a row for each cardholder.
    2. In the Badge Code column for each cardholder, enter the other cardholder’s badge code.
    3. In the Is Additional Card column for each cardholder, enter “0” to replace any existing badge code. 
  • Fixed: Deleting a cardholder’s Temporary Access > Reader item, where there is a schedule setting, no longer impacts other Temporary Reader items.
  • Fixed: In the cardholder details popup, the cardholder photo will now consistently be correctly oriented.
  • Fixed: A badge length of 10 digits can now be successfully assigned to a cardholder via the cardholder’s details popup.
  • Fixed: A very long name in any cardholder details popup field will now displays correctly.
  • Fixed: A Lost badge can now be reliably removed from a cardholder’s details popup.

Security Center

  • Fixed: An Acknowledged alarm from a Reader icon in the Security Center now displays the context menu, where the ‘Acknowledge’ command item is found, without displaying an empty sub-menu.


  • Fixed: When building a Video Logical Tree with an HIK NVR, the camera names will now appear in the GUI instead of the camera IP address.
  • Fixed: In the Video Security screen, PTZ panning controls will now stop panning after the control button is released.
  • Fixed: In the Video Security screen, the Display Event setting is now saved in a Video Security layout.
  • Fixed: Video playback controls (Fast Forward, Pause, Rewind, etc.), in the Security > Video screen, no longer generate error codes when used on an HIK video selected from the calendar. 
  • Fixed: In the French language Setup > Video screen, the Delete button has been resized to accommodate the button text.  


  • Fixed: Lift readers are now consistently defined as lift readers, even after they are deleted and re-added to a Lift controller.

Access group

  • Fixed: A user can now edit the content of a Multiple Access Group and save it while another Multiple Access Group is already in the process of being saved. 
  • Fixed: The Access > Access Group > Reader table now loads quicker.


  • Fixed: In the Infrastructure, Diagnostic, and Security Center screens, a Galaxy input status now displays correctly without requiring the user to click Refresh
  • Fixed: In an Unconfirmed Alarms popup screen, where there are multiple alarms fired, confirming all of the alarms, via the Confirm All button, will now process the confirm actions quickly. 


  • Fixed: Time & Attendance reports generated for more than one selected cardholder will no longer result in the occasional duplicate row, or an inaccurate total number of cardholder hours.
  • Fixed: Area reports and Template-based reports attached to an email as a PDF, via a Global reflex action, will now successfully download from a Gmail account.


  • Fixed: Change the site ownership of a cardholder in a Multisite environment. The Multiple Access Group of the cardholder will now consistently change to No Access in the GUI and the database to prevent an unexpected GUI error.
     The GUI does not save due to the conflict between the site and the Multiple Access Group.
  • Fixed: In a Multisite environment, the Select Readers popup tree will display only one instance of a network, regardless of whether the readers connected to the network’s controllers are shared with other sites.
  • Fixed: In a Multisite environment, Weekly Programs, added by a user, will now be available throughout the owner site.
  • Fixed: In a Multisite environment, all site-specific Weekly Programs will now be available.
  • Fixed: In a Multisite environment, holidays are no longer repeatedly saved.
  • Fixed: In a Multisite environment, only the inputs that are owned or shared with a user’s site will be available to the user.


  • Fixed: Restored default values in the Options screen are now saved and are correctly displayed the next time a user logs in to the system.


  • Fixed: Updating a cardholder’s details via API no longer automatically removes assigned Door Access Groups or Lift Access Groups.
  • Fixed: Creating multiple scheduled readers via API no longer deletes scheduled readers created earlier. 
  • Fixed: The API no longer returns a Battery is ok type event as 16384.
  • Fixed: Technical events (Power Down/Up, Box Closed, PSF Failure, etc.) are now successfully sent through the SignalR PUSH API. This PUSH API enables real-time, asynchronous communication between a server and connected clients, allowing developers to build interactive and responsive web applications that can push updates without the need for constant polling or manual refreshes.
  • Fixed: The Get Inputs/Outputs API no longer fails when Galaxy is defined and ACTIVATED.


  • Fixed: In the Visitor Control web application, a new visit can now be reliably added to the system after a previously added visitor has been archived and deleted.


  • Fixed: It will no longer be possible to have more than one instance of the Watchdog icon in the Windows Taskbar.

More information about the Enhancements and Improvements in this release may be found in the Online Help.


Guardpoint10 version 1.90.03 - Nov. 6th, 2022


  1. A new API call On Postman, in the Departments folder called "POST Create new department" is now available
    This API aSensor a new department with its associated default MAG to the system. This call is only available in our last Postman Collection available here.
  2. An API call "Get photos" is now available

The Get photos call returns the following data:

    • Cardholder UID
    • Cardholder First name
    • Cardholder Last name
    • Photo string


  1. Integration with KONE smart elevator solutions

The Kone smart multi-car and multi-door elevator systems manage car efficiency according to the floors that passengers select from the elevator panel while waiting for a car’s arrival.

By integrating Guardpoint10 with Kone elevators, you can use cardholder information to manage the lift’s elevator panel. This allows you to restrict floor and car door selection via the elevator panel access to those floors where the cardholder may be granted access.

To use this integration, set the Display Kone Lift option to Yes in the Options > General screen. Then you will be able to create lift controllers via the Infrastructure screen, and add Kone Lift access groups via the Access screen. A Kone Lift access group (LAG) can then be managed and assigned to cardholders like any other LAG.

  1. A new Emulator is now available. The new Emulator addresses some of the shortcomings found in the old Emulator

The new Emulator is a web application with the following benefits:

    • Each controller’s events can be set to repeat a specific number of times per minute.
    • Cardholders in the database are used when emulating Access and Denied Access events.
    • Existing infrastructures can be imported into the Emulator.
    • A network with multiple controllers can be imported.
    • All controller types supported in Guardpoint10 are also supported in the Emulator.
    • Easily restore a customer's infrastructure.
    • A quick and simple method to transfer emulator data between machines.
    • Compatible with Guardpoint105 and Guardpoint10 software.

Check out our Support site for more information

  1. Crisis Level authorization override is now available

The Crisis Level feature is designed for high-risk violent situations, where a quick and comprehensive security response is required to limit movement.

Instead of changing the access authorizations for multiple cardholders, which would involve downloading new parameters for each cardholder to each controller, the Crisis Level feature provides a security setting for the whole system that can be changed with a single click.

The Crisis Level override is achieved by taking a crisis level value assigned to a cardholder and a crisis level value assigned to a reader. Then make the following two evaluations:

    • If Crisis Level was not enabled, would the cardholder be granted access via the reader?
    • Is the crisis level value assigned to the cardholder equal to or greater than the crisis level value assigned to the reader?

If the answer to both of these questions is Yes, access is granted. Otherwise, access is denied, regardless of any authorization.

  1. Programmable Badge Format

A badge format is used as a key to tell a controller how to decode strings of data bits received from the controller’s reader. The Programmable Badge Format allows you to design your own decoder. 

The Infrastructure screen now includes a new Programmable Badge Format button in the Action bar. This button opens a new Programmable Badge Format screen, where you can add a virtually unlimited number of user-defined badge formats. From this screen, you can specify a badge code length, position, and code system (Hexadecimal or Decimal). Optionally, you can also specify a site code length, position, value, and code system (Hexadecimal or Decimal).

  1. Reader details’ Miscellaneous tab redesign

The Reader details’ Miscellaneous tab has been redesigned to support Programmable Badge Format and other new features.

In the Miscellaneous tab’s Format drop-down list a new list item called Programmable has been appended to the end of the list. Select Programmable to display a Programmable Format field where you can select a user-defined format previously saved in the Programmable Badge Format screen. 

Click the Edit Format button next to the field to open the Programmable Badge Format screen with the selected format in focus.

Other new features in the Reader details’ Miscellaneous tab:

    • The interfaces available have been expanded. Click the Interface field, and select one of the following interfaces from the drop-down list: 
    • Clock & Data (ISO2)
    • Wiegand TTL
    • serial reader
    • APERIO reader
    • OSDP reader
    • UZ reader

Scripts are no longer required for a: serial reader, APERIO reader, OSDP reader, or UZ reader.

  1. The Cardholders screen has a new Select Mandatory Fields drop-down list

Users will now be able to choose cardholder fields (including Custom Fields) that will require a value before a cardholder details popup can be saved. Determine which fields will be mandatory via the new Select Mandatory Fields list found on the Cardholders screen.

The Select Mandatory Fields list can be hidden from a user via the profile assigned to the user. In a Profile’s Authorizations tree, go to Management > Cardholders > Select Mandatory Fields to edit the setting.


  1. A more comprehensive Audit system has been added to Guardpoint10. This system includes more details about audited events and a larger range of events that will be audited. A comprehensive list of audited events is displayed in the Event History > Audit table and more focused audit events display in the Event Log table.
  2. After of specified number of invalid login attempts, by a user who is not a Superuser, the user’s login will be Locked out. The lockout action will include an Audit event.
  3. A cardholder who has no Guardpoint10 activity for a specified number of days may now be automatically invalidated.
  4. An option has been added to automatically Free badges from any automatically invalidated cardholder.
  5. Logging in with Active Directory (AD) credentials will now be blocked when the AD user is disabled. An explanation about the failed login will appear on the Guardpoint10 Login splash screen.
  6. Guardpoint10 now supports Facelite (FLDB) facial recognition reader with firmware 1.2.0 2020/10/20 and higher. Be aware that FaceLite face templates are not supported on Facestation and vice versa.
  7. API: A Verification log type has been added to the Software / Log Into Events Log. This means that Log Into Events Log now supports “Information”, “Warning”, “Alarm”, and “Verification” types.
  8. API: Department has been added to all relevant API calls.
  9. The AcsNMService has been updated to streamline processes and run more efficiently.
  10. User login with Active Directory credentials can now be forced. This means that users will not have the option to log in with Guardpoint10 credentials and must use their Active Directory credentials.
  11. A user will now require the machine with the Active Directory to be connected to successfully log in to Guardpoint10. Login data will no longer be retained in a cache on the Guardpoint10 system. Each Guardpoint10 login event will also check if the user’s Active Directory credentials are enabled. If the credentials are not enabled, the login will be unsuccessful.
  12. With Active Directory enabled, the Users screen will now display a Sync User Data This button will update or add user information with the Active Directory profile information of the profile linked to the Guardpoint10 user.
  13. Two Lift Access Groups (LAGs), regardless of the lift type (lift controlled by SENSOR relays, ELGSW smart lift, or KONE smart lift), can now be assigned to a cardholder. One LAG included in the Multiple Access Group (MAG), and the other LAG assigned in the cardholder’s details as a Personal Lift Access Group (PLAG).
  14. When accessing on Mitsubishi smart lift (ELGSW) reader, no relay of the Lift controller will be automatically activated on access.
  15. In the Diagnostic tree, select a controller and click Refresh. A popup appears with a new option that allows the user to refresh the remaining commands every second.
  16. Guardpoint10 now supports Uhlmann & Zacher (UZ) readers. The UZ reader appears in the Reader Miscellaneous tab’s drop-down list of supported interfaces.
  17. Advanced parameters (F1, 3, 4, 5, 6) have been added to the Reader’s Miscellaneous tab. These parameters relate to firmware customization requests. These parameters can be hidden or displayed via the Display advanced parameters in reader details setting found in the Options > System & SQL tab.
  18. A new Import Cardholders spreadsheet has been added to Guardpoint10. It includes the following columns:
    • Crisis Level
    • Personal Weekly Program (Personal WP)
       Use the new spreadsheet to ensure cardholder import success.
  19. A new Import Cardholders Global Reflex action has been added to the system.
  20. The behavior of the option Display flashing non-compliant icon has been updated. When set to Yes the Machine Compliance icon will display in the Dashboard. When the option is set to No, the icon will be hidden.
  21. An access event row displayed in the Event Log table now include a context menu. The context menu, opened with a simple right-click, includes an item to Display cardholder details and an item to Display reader details. After a context item is clicked, the details will display.
  22. In the Options > Event Log screen, there is a new parameter to show/hide and change the text color of Send Free Command event displayed in the Event Log table.
  23. French and Spanish translations are now available in the Badge Print Report Designer.
  24. A new French resx file has been added with updated translations.

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed: Badge Template assignment and design operations now work consistently. 
  2. Fixed: A Badge Template’s date format (DD/MM/YYYY), regardless of the date field, is now standardized throughout the system.
  3. Fixed In a cardholder’s Print Badge popup the assigned Badge now displays correctly regardless of the Guardpoint10 installation type (server or workstation).
  4. Fixed: A License’s serial code is now available for a single Guardpoint10 system installation. Other system installations must have their own unique serial code.
  5. Fixed: API: POST LogIntoEventsLog now returns the correct data, without internal errors.
  6. Fixed: A scheduled reader added, and then deleted via API and later readded (all, via API), now works reliably regardless of other previous API scheduled reader.
  7. Fixed: API: Item fields in the Get all photos response (under GET cardholders) have been renamed: 
    • Item1 -> "cardholderUID"
    • Item2 -> "lastname"
    • Item3 -> "firstname"
    • Item4 -> "photo"
  8. Fixed: API: In Chinese, the Relays details will now display correctly regardless of the Display API keys setting in Options.
  9. Fixed: API: Correct results will now appear when, in POSTMAN, you execute a Get Scheduled Readers query.
  10. Fixed: Cardholder Report now exports reliably to an Excel spreadsheet while maintaining badge code format in the Excel cell.
  11. Fixed: Reader can now consistently save specific Clock & Data (ISO2) with selected Badge Formats.
  12. Fixed: A method has been added that prevents the system from downloading a badge code to the same memory location as a previously downloaded badge code on the same controller.
  13. Fixed: In a cardholder’s details popup, the Badge group’s Add button now works reliably.
  14. Fixed: The Select button in the Add Readers dialogbox now works correctly on double-click.
  15. Fixed: Biometric readers no longer automatically initialize after restarting the Aadeus8 server installation.
  16. Fixed: When the monitor is scaled higher than 100 percent, the Video Setup screen will now display correctly.
  17. Fixed: A user with read-only permissions for cardholders can no longer delete cardholders from the Cardholders screen.
  18. Fixed: In the Import Cardholder spreadsheet, the Badge type tooltip has been updated. Item 11 ‘Type H’ has been replaced with ’Smartcard 13.56 MHz’. 
  19. Fixed: When using a Global Reflex that sends emails via a Gmail account host, you must have a 2-step-verificationoption and sign it with App Passwords. This is a Gmail security change. For more information, go to
  20. Fixed: After initializing a LIFT readers’ controller, the LIFT reader will now be available and the assigned relays will fire correctly during an access event.

More information about the Enhancements and Improvements in this release may be found in the Online Help.


Guardpoint10 version 1.80.16 - Jan. 4th, 2022


  • Video support has been added for Qognify’s NVRs
    Since Qognify acquired OnSSI Group with its brands OnSSI and SeeTec, the NVR setup of the more recent versions of the company's NVRs (Ocularis, SeeTec) has changed.
    We now also support Qognify’s Cayuga NVR brand.
      • While defining an older version of Ocularis in Guardpoint10’s NVR/DVR screen, select Onssi from the drop-down list of NVR types. Then close the Guardpoint10 GUI, and run the ./Guardpoint10/Gui/Onssi.bat
      • While defining SeeTec, Cayuga, or a newer version of Ocularis in Guardpoint10’s NVR/DVR screen, select Qognify from the drop-down list of NVR types. Then close the Guardpoint10 GUI, and run the ./Guardpoint10/Gui/Qognify.bat file.
        For more details, see here.


  1. The T&A Roll Call now includes column filters. These filters are also applied to the Tile view.
  2. The Visitor Module now has French language support.
  3. The Guardpoint10 license now has two additional module options
    • Active Directory: When you log in to Windows with a Username and Password the Username and Password credentials are validated via the Windows Active Directory.
    • MultiSplit: MultiSplit makes the Guardpoint10 system more efficient via distributed computing to split the workload between multiple machines or servers on the same machine. MultiSplit is best used for large or growing Guardpoint10 systems.

      The Active Directory and MultiSplit modules are, by default, in the Guardpoint10 Demo application.

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed: While adding relays to a Lift Access Group, all relays that should be available are now available.
  2. Fixed Galaxy panel zones can now be shared properly in a MultiSite environment.
  3. Fixed: Lift relays will now fire consistently when the LAG comes from a restored database.
  4. Fixed: Local reflexes now work reliably.
  5. Fixed: Cardholder details added in a previous Guardpoint10 version now open reliably after an Guardpoint10 upgrade.
  6. Fixed: Cardholder details, where a text field value ends with a whitespace no longer results in a GUI crash after clicking a Save button.
  7. Fixed: Cardholder details’ Personal Lift Access Group now works with a Mitsubishi ELSGW Lift Access Group.
  8. Fixed: Editing a previously saved Mitsubishi ELSGW Lift Access Group will now have an enabled Save button.

More information about the Enhancements and Improvements in this release may be found in the Online Help.


Guardpoint10 version 1.80.01 - Nov. 21st, 2021


  1. Biometric authentication has been expanded to include Facial Recognition technology
    Two images per cardholder can be enrolled. Each image will have its own virtual badge code.
    Guardpoint10 GUI impact:
    A cardholder’s details > Biometric tab will now have two enroll face image options below the ten fingerprint enrollment options already available.
     The Biometric Facial Recognition readers supported by Guardpoint10 are as follows:
    • Suprema Facestation F2 (FSF2ODB) with firmware 1.1.2 2021/09/03 or higher
    • Suprema Facestation F2 (FSF2-DB) with firmware 1.1.2 2021/09/03 or higher
    • Suprema Facestation F2 (FSF2-AB) with firmware 1.1.2 2021/09/03 or higher
       When using one of these readers, ensure that you have the most recent firmware version installed.
    • Guardpoint10 supports only Mifare 13.5 MHz and Em-Marine 125 kHz cards with Suprema2 devices.
    • Here are the operation modes explanation:

      Biometric Only
      Suprema2 devices like BioEntryW2, BioEntry P2, etc..→ Fingerprint only
      FaceStation F2 ODB → Face/Fingerprint only
      FaceStation F2 DB/AB → Face only

      Card Only
      Suprema2 devices like BioEntryW2, BioEntry P2, etc..→ Card only
      FaceStation F2 DB/AB/ODB → Card only

      Biometric & Card
      Suprema2 devices like BioEntryW2, BioEntry P2, etc..→ Fingerprint & Card
      FaceStation F2 ODB → Face/Fingerprint & Card
      FaceStation F2 DB/AB → Face & Card

      Biometric or Card
      Suprema2 devices like BioEntryW2, BioEntry P2, etc..→ Fingerprint or Card
      FaceStation F2 ODB → Face/Fingerprint or Card
      FaceStation F2 DB/AB → Face or Card

      Finger & Face - available only for 'FSF2-ODB'
       FaceStation F2 ODB → Fingerprint & Face
  2. Global Anti-Passback
    Global Anti-PassBack (GAPB) requires that readers be used in a sequence to enter or leave an Guardpoint10 defined area. This means that GAPB rules are centered on predefined Areas. GAPB forces a cardholder to take a predetermined path to a destination via one or more Area readers.
    GAPB is enabled from the Options > System & SQL screen. When enabled:
    The Area Setup screen displays new fields and columns to support GAPB.
    The Cardholder details > General tab displays a Global Anti-PassBack (GAPB) field, a Send GAPB button, and a Clear GAPB button.
    For this feature, the controllers must have a firmware dated from 01/10/2019 or later.
  3. Auto Archive Journal
    The Auto Archive Journal feature is an automatic archive process for the Guardpoint10 active journal. The archiving process secures older journal entries. A byproduct of the Auto Archive Journal feature is faster system performance.
    A successfully archived journal is stored in the current Microsoft SQL Server. An archived journal is a database that contains copies of Journal entries that were in the active journal.
    An archived journal can be viewed via a new Journal drop-down list at the top of the Event History screen.
  4. Active Directory Integration
    You can now provide users with the option to log in to Guardpoint10 with their Windows Active Directory credentials.
    To enable Active Directory integration, go to the Options > General screen and set Enable Active Directory to Yes. Then enter the Domain name provided by the organization’s IT department.
    To provide a user with the Active Directory login option, go to the user’s details. A new field called Active Directory Username appears. Attach the user’s Windows username to the Guardpoint10 user.
    From the Login screen, the user will be able to log in to Guardpoint10 with their Guardpoint10 credentials or just click the Login with Windows Credentials button without entering a user name and password.
  5. Dahua technology Integration
    Guardpoint10 now supports Dahua cameras and video recorders. To add this technology to the system, select ‘Dahua’ from the NVR/DVR screen’s Type drop-down list when entering Dahua details.
  6. Mitsubishi smart elevator DOAS system (via the ELSGW protocols) Integration
    MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC’S DOAS SYSTEM manages smart multi-car elevator systems by allocating car efficiently according to the floors that passengers select from the elevator panel while waiting for a car’s arrival.
    By integrating ELSGW protocols into Guardpoint10, you can use cardholder information to manage the lift’s elevator panel. This restricts floor selection via the elevator panel to those floors where the cardholder is authorized.
    To add this elevator integration, set the Options > General screen’s Display ELSGW Lift option to Yes and enter the IP address and the port of the lift panel. This will permit you to add a lift controller to the infrastructure and an ELSGW Lift Access Groups through the Access screen.
  7. An ‘Unlock All Doors’ Global Reflex action has been added to the list of Relay actions
     This action changes the state of all door relays in a site. The state options are:
    • Activate all door relays
    • Return all door relays to normal
    • Activate all door relays for: (sets an activate time limit)
  8. MultiSplit is now available to increase Guardpoint10 performance
    MultiSplit makes the Guardpoint10 system "elastic" by using distributed computing to split the workload between multiple machines.
    MultiSplit is best for large or growing Guardpoint10 systems. Imagine you have hundreds of controllers that generate a lot of events. These events must go through some processing, which unfortunately takes longer than to generate. For the processing to catch up with real-time, a slave machine can be designated to handle some of the processing.
     To support MultiSplit the following additions have been made to the Guardpoint10 GUI:
    • In the Options > General screen, there is a new setting called Display MultiSplit. When set to Yes, the next two elements are visible.
    • In the Infrastructure screen’s Action bar there is a new Split Servers button that opens a Split Servers popup where communication services can be added to the system.
    • In an Infrastructure’s Network details, there is a new Split Server parameter where a communication service can be selected to handle all of the data processing that takes place in the network.
      For more information about setting up MultiSplit, see here.
  9. Guardpoint10 is now supported on versions of Windows 11
     Before you upgrade, make sure you’re familiar with Windows 11 specifications and system requirements and that your computer supports Windows 11.


  1. A GUI lag time solution has been deployed
    From the end-user perspective, tasks will end faster (sometimes much faster). Tasks are marked as done as soon as they are sent to the communication service (even before the communication service manages to complete sending them). Waiting commands can still be seen on the Diagnostic screen.
    Improvements have been made to many SQL queries. These improvements increase performance and are most noticeable when dealing with complex or large databases with thousands of cardholders. For example, after adding new readers to a MAG, instead of removing all the cardholders and downloading them again to the controllers, Guardpoint10 now only downloads the relevant commands.
     All Guardpoint10 internal triggers were transformed to SignalR instead of the WCF-based service. SignalR is a new technology from Microsoft that handles push notifications very quickly.
  2. In the Diagnostic screen, the infrastructure tree can now be filtered by controller state (Activated/Deactivated/Disconnected). In addition, Collapse all and Expand all buttons have been added next to the Filter field.
  3. A new Import Cardholder Excel Template has been added to Guardpoint10. It includes License Plate and Badge Template entry fields.
    With this new template, Badge codes and a License Plate number can be added or updated for a cardholder in the same import process.
    Note: A cardholder import excel template from a previous Guardpoint10 version is invalid in this Guardpoint10 version. Please move to the new spreadsheet included in this Guardpoint10 version.
  4. Imported cardholders will no longer have a default Personal Weekly Program assignment. In the cardholder’s details, the field will be initially empty.
  5. In the cardholder details’ Personal Door Access Groups list, Door Access Group names can now be displayed in different colors. To do this, add the following code in the Access Group's Description field:


Substitute any HTML color code (i.e. #2424ff) for the word blue (or any other acceptable color name) in the code.

  1. A Change also Supervisor area field has been added to the Reader details’ Access Mode tab.
    When Change also Supervisor area is set to Yes: A Supervisor acting as an escort for another cardholder approaches an Area door that is an entrance or exit to that Area. After both badges are swiped at the door’s reader, an access event entry is recorded for both the Supervisor and the cardholder and the Supervisor’s Area value is updated.
    When Change also Supervisor area is set to No: After both badges are swiped at the door’s reader, an access event entry is recorded only for the cardholder. The Supervisor’s Area remains unchanged.
  2. The Area Setup screen now has additional information to support the new GAPB feature.
     In an Area’s details, there is a:
    • Switch to enable GAPB for the selected Area
    • A dynamic list of current Areas that have enabled GAPBs
    • A number representing the number of Areas that can still be enabled as GAPB Areas

       In an Area’s the Entrance and Exit tables, there are two new columns:
    • APB Green: Displays the setting of an Area reader’s Access Mode tab’s Green Zone’s Anti PassBack setting.
    • APB White: Displays the setting of an Area reader’s Access Mode tab’s White Zone’s Anti PassBack setting.

      An Area reader’s Anti PassBack setting must be set to Yes to participate in a GAPB environment.
  3. Popup windows that include a minimize button in the title bar (i.e. Cardholder details, Task List, etc.) will no longer be always on top of the GUI. Now, when the user clicks a screen behind the popup window, the popup window will automatically minimize.
  4. The Departments screen’s list of saved departments now includes a Search field.
  5. In the Options > Event Log screen, all Access Denied event types are grouped at the top of the list.
  6. In the Options > Event Log screen, a new Access Denied - Anti Passback row has been added to the list.
  7. The Guardpoint10 WebApp’s Door page now includes a Return all Doors to Normal button to complement the existing Open All Doors button.
  8. Badge templates will now be stored in the system database. Sharing a single badge template source ensures consistency across workstations.
  9. In the Event Log, an alarm’s text color has a default color set in the Options > Event Log screen. Now, an individual input’s text color can be set in the input’s details. This will allow the alarm text to stand out.
  10. A Skip a repeating alarm field has been added to the Options > General tab. It reduces unnecessary alarms caused by a malfunctioning detector (Relevant for firmware newer than 18/12/2019). If the setting is edited, the user must initialize the controller with the problematic alarm before the setting change is carried out.
     By default, alarms that repeat every 5 seconds or less will be ignored (skipped).
  11. Screens with a Report Template option now include a Clear Column Filters button. The relevant screens are Badges, Cardholders, Event History, and Infrastructure (in Table view).

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed: The Guardpoint10 WebApp’s, Cardholder details now displays Custom Fields added via the Guardpoint10 desktop. The displayed Custom Fields values can also be edited via the Web App.
  2. Fixed: A more robust enforcement of cardholder field value validation has been added to the Guardpoint10 WebApp.
  3. Fixed: The Departments screen’s tree of saved departments will now remain expanded or collapsed after saving a new department. The new department will automatically appear in the tree.
  4. Fixed: The Time & Attendance screen now consistently opens smoothly.
  5. Fixed: In case a query in an Guardpoint10 API returns a response with many values, only the first 50 values are returned along with a link to get the next 50 values. This link now consistently appears in all relevant responses.
  6. Fixed: Cameras with low resolution are now supported in the Guardpoint10 Visitor Module.
  7. Fixed: After a table error occurs on a controller, the command 03 (READER TECHNOLOGY AND CARD FORMAT) is now automatically sent consistently to rebuild the table.
  8. Fixed: The Display Events screen now formats cards that include landscape images with clearly legible text. 
  9. Fixed: Dates throughout the Guardpoint10 interface now display in the standard format DD/MM/YYYY. 
  10. Fixed: An input’s name can now be edited while the input is in use.
  11. Fixed: In the Infrastructure screen, switching from a controller’s Readers table to the Inputs table will no longer display a save message - unless required.
  12. Fixed: The Global Reflex action Create Template-based report, where the selected template is an Event History template, will now work correctly when the template is sent by email.
  13. Fixed: LAGs with complex input selections can now be saved in the LAG consistently.

More information about the Enhancements and Improvements in this release may be found in the Online Help.


Guardpoint10 version 1.75.03 - Apr. 25th, 2021


  1. Maps can now include linked geometric shapes and freehand shapes
     The shapes can be linked to a map, alarm zone, area, or left free (unlinked).
  1. Strong User Password rules can now be customized and enforced
    This feature allows organizations to meet Standard Password Policies and Guidelines.
    Configure a strong password policy via the Options > System & SQL screen. The settings include: 
      • Enforce Password History policy
      • Maximum Password Age policy
      • Minimum Password Length policy
      • Passwords Must Meet Complexity Requirements policy
  1. User Passwords can now be changed at the user’s discretion via the dashboard
    A logged in user can choose to change their password from the dashboard, via the down arrow immediately following the displayed user name.
  2. A user can now be forced to change their password.
    In the Users screen, each user’s details now include a Should Password be replaced checkbox. When selected, the user must change their password the next time they log in to Guardpoint10.
  3. Mifare support has been added for Biometric Suprema2 readers
    Choose a Wiegand format for a biometric reader in the reader’s details. The formats available are Mifare 32-bit and Standard 26.


  1. In the Position screen’s action bar, the Pan button  and the Select button  are now displayed side-by-side.
  2. The Guardpoint10 WebApp is now multilingual, 3 additional languages are available (China, Polish, Portuguese), and more to come - as RESX files are returned to the support team. The languages are available via your browser settings.
  3. Click Navigate to map to display the Security Center map with the alarmed icon.
    A Navigate to map context menu item has been added to Alarm events in the following: 
      • Display Events screen
      • Event Log screen
      • Unconfirmed Alarms dialog (accessed via the dashboard)
  4. A Department field has been added to all Global Reflex Access Trigger Events where a cardholder can be specified. This allows you to qualify the cardholder who will trigger the event based on their assigned department.
  5. An Input can now be marked Bypass via an API command.
  6. Guardpoint10 WebApp display has minor improvements.
  7. A new Galaxy refresh I/O delay setting has been added to:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Guardpoint10\NM\NMService.exe.config
    under the entry GxIoRefreshDelay. The default value is 20 seconds.
  8. Database bloat has been addressed with a ShrinkDatabase and a ShrinkJournal automatic operation that will take place every day at approximately 4:25 AM.

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed: A scrollbar now appears when a long Manual Events list is opened from the Dashboard. 
  2. Fixed: In the Access > Access Group screen, adding additional readers to an already existing Door Access Group no longer unselects previously selected readers from the same controller.
  3. Fixed: Initializing a biometric reader from the Diagnostic screen will now reliably download cardholder information to the reader. 
  4. Fixed: After a biometric reader has successfully initialized, the Task List will show that the initialization has been completed. 
  5. Fixed: Chinese language Report Templates now correctly display all characters.
  6. Fixed: Cardholder details now displays long badge codes more legible.
  7. Fixed: Guardpoint10 WebApp Searches now include all pages in the search process.


Guardpoint10 version 1.70.17 - Jan. 26th, 2021


  1. The Web Client Module (first release) is now available.
    The module is a limited version of the Guardpoint10 interface.
     The features included are as follows: 
      • Open/Close doors
      • View/Add/Edit/Delete cardholders
      • View live events /Alarms
      • Acknowledge/Confirm Alarms
      • View event histories of various types (i.e. Access, Alarm, Tech., Comm., Audit, General)
      • Monitor controller communication status
      • No special installation is required

        Note: These features are available regardless of the User authorizations set in the Guardpoint10 Profile screen.

         The benefits of the ACS Web Client Module are:
      • Mobility: Users can manage the ACS anywhere, anytime. It was built with Mobile in mind so it will work on any device that supports HTML5.
      • Always up to date: No need to update the web client, the Guardpoint10 version on the client will always be in sync with the version installed on your Amadus8 server installation.
      • Multi language support: The interface can be translated into any language upon customer request.
      • Security: The maximum number of users who can be connected to the Web-module at the same time is restricted by the license that now includes a Web Client item.
  1. Upgrade: Guardpoint10 is now a 64-bit application.
     What this means to you and your clients: 
      • Guardpoint10 runs smoother and faster on machines with 64-bit processors.
      • Eliminates memory issues that may have been experienced in the past.
      • Increases the number of cameras supported by the system and provides wider support for camera codecs.
      • Handles more data in a more efficient manner.
  1. OS support
    From Guardpoint10 version 1.70, Windows 8.1 or Windows Server 2012 will no longer be supported.
  2. Personal Access Group has been added to the system.
    The Personal Access Group is a method that allows an operator to assign one or more Door Access Groups and a Lift Access Group to a cardholder without using a Multiple Access Group (MAG) container.
    In addition, this method can be used in combination with a Multiple Access Group.

     To support the Personal Access Group method, the following GUI elements have been updated: 
      • Cardholder details has two new fields: Personal Door Access Group and Personal Lift Access Group
      • Cardholders screen’s table has new context menu items: 
          • Add Door Access Groups to cardholders: ASensor Personal Door Access Groups to a selected cardholder.
          • Remove all Door & Lift Access Groups: Unassigns all Personal Door and Personal Lift Access Groups from a selected cardholder.
          • Convert all Door & Lift Access Groups to a Multiple Access Group assignment: Takes all Personal Door and Personal Lift Access Groups previously assigned to a cardholder and reassigns them to the cardholder in a new Multiple Access Group.
      • The Access > Multiple Access Group screen has a new action button called Send to Personal AGs. This button assigns the Multiple Access Group's contents to the cardholders with the selected Multiple Access Group assignment as Personal Door Access Group and Personal Lift Access Group items.
      • Setting the new option Show/Manage Profile Personal Access Group data to Yes, in the Options > General screen (under Multiple Access Group), will display the Profiles screen’s new Personal Access Group options under Show Access Data Options

         See the online Help to learn more.


  1. The method of communication (from TCP to COM or vice-versa) can now be changed in a saved network.
  2. A controller can now be assigned to a different network. The networks must be under the same site.
  3. In the Diagnostic screen, there is a new Remaining Commands item in the purple Controller Information group. It shows the number of pending commands queued for the controller. The item is refreshed every second.
  4. In the Access screen’s Access Group tab, a new Change Weekly Program context menu item has been added to the Door Access Group’s Readers table. With the context menu item, you can select multiple reader rows and change the Weekly Program assignment of all of the selected readers with a single click.
  5. A new or edited Door Access Group will no longer allow you to select a slave reader in the Select Readers dialog. If the master reader is selected, the slave will be automatically added to the Door Access Group along with the master reader. The slave reader will not appear in the Door Access Group's Reader table, but it will behave like any other reader in the Door Access Group.
  6. A Lift Access Group can now include relays from more than one reader (lift). The readers do not have to be connected to the same controller.
  7. A new Weekly Program drop-down arrow, found in the Weekly Program column of a Lift Access Group’s Relay table, changes a relay’s Weekly Program and will also change the Weekly Program of all other relays in the group that have the same reader.
  8. A relay in a Lift Access Group can be quickly replaced with another relay from the same reader via a new drop-down list in a Relay table’s Relay column.
  9. A Multiple Access Group can now have only one Lift Access Group attached. (Previously, Lift Access Groups were combined into a single Lift Access Group).
  10. A biometric reader can now enroll a badge code as well as a fingerprint.
  11. The Cardholders screen is now sorted by Last Name & First Name (by default). 
  12. The Cardholder screen table can now be sorted by any column in the table.
  13. The import cardholder Excel template has been updated to support MultiSite and Personal Access Group data.
  14. The Print Badge command is now available from a cardholder’s details.
  15. The Profiles screen layout has been updated to better accommodate the management settings displayed for Galaxy Groups, Access Groups, and Multiple Access Groups.
  16. The Events History’s Audit report now shows Audit Data information after updating a scheduled reader in a cardholder’s details.
  17. Initialization tasks and Global reflex executions now appear in the Event History screen’s General tab and the Events Log screen.
  18. In Area Roll Call, you can now drag and drop cardholders to move them from one Area to another.
  19. The Area Roll Call table is now sorted chronologically. The last cardholder to enter the area will always be at the top of the table.
  20. When initially opened, the T&A Roll Call table is now sorted as follows: Last Name, First Name, and Number. After a relevant badge swipe, with the table still displayed, the table will be automatically sorted chronologically.
  21. When an alarm event occurs, and the input’s settings includes instructions, the instructions will now be displayed in the following additional screens: 
      • Display Events: On the back of the input event card
      • Event Log: In the Instructions column
      • Security Center: As popup text below the input’s icon (also under its door icon)
  1. A Region, in Security Center and Position screens, now has a transparent Background Fill option. This option is available when adding a new Region or from an existing Region’s context menu. The border of the Region will remain visible in the Position screen and dynamic in the Security Center as in previous versions.
  2. Milestone Xprotect2020 R1 can now connect via Windows or Basic authentication.
  3. The number of unique camera names that can appear in the logical tree is now specified in the license.
  4. New options have been added to the Options > Event Log screen. These options allow you to see whether an SQL script ran successfully or not in the Event Log screen. 
  5. A new option called Initialize controller after Table Error has been added to Options > System SQL screen. If for some reason a table on a controller is corrupted, the system will automatically initialize the controller to rebuild the table and fix the issue.
  6. A new option has been added to the Options screen called Restart services every night. When set to Yes, Guardpoint10 services will be restarted at the specified time to perform maintenance. Controllers will remain operational during this time.
  7. The API that allows you to add a list of Lift Access Groups to cardholder data has been removed. Now, only one Lift Access Group can be added to a cardholder’s data.
  8. All logs have been consolidated into one folder called C:\ProgramData\ACS\Logs. If you are upgrading to version 1.70, you must do the following to complete the consolidation after the upgrade:
    On a Workstation installation, delete the LogSettings file from C:\ProgramData\ACS\GUI
     On the Server installation:
      • Delete the LogSettings file from C:\ProgramData\ACS\GUI
      • Delete the services.xml in C:\ProgramData\ACS\AcsWatchDog

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed: A cardholder with customized field data, where the fields no longer exist, will now refresh the customized fields and save the cardholder correctly. 
  2. Fixed: In the Access > Access Group screen, adding additional readers to an already existing Door Access Group no longer unselects previously selected readers from the same controller.
  3. Fixed: In the Alarm Zone screen, the Galaxy Select Zone dialog now works correctly. 
  4. Fixed: A MultiSite’s Area details, owned by the Root site, are now enabled or disabled correctly as determined by the logged-in user’s authorization. 
  5. Fixed: Import Cardholders now supports Chinese characters more reliably.
  6. Fixed: Custom Field values are now more stable. Custom Field values will not be affected when making other changes to a cardholder’s details.
  7. Fixed: The Video Security screen now displays in French without cutting text.
  8. Fixed: The Chinese language now loads and displays correctly in the Guardpoint10 interface.


Guardpoint10 version 1.60.24 - June 17th, 2020

New module

Multisite Module: This module allows you to share an installation with independent companies or different sites of a same company. We have unified both Guardpoint105 modules, i.e. Multisite and Multi-company, in a single module where we can create both types of entities, site and company, that we will call ‘site’ in this document.

A same user may control from any station, several or all the sites following to his authorization rights. Each user may consult the data, the Reports and the Event log of his sites only. For users who control one or more sites according to their defined authorization, like Security guards, the events displayed on the Event Log screen and on the Reports are all alarms from their sites and all access events from their sites’ readers (including accesses from cardholders belonging to other sites).

We distinct between 3 types of cardholders: Local, Shared & Global:

  • Local – Allowed access only on doors of its own site.
  • Shared – In addition to doors of his own site, other sites may allow him pass on their doors (e.g. fitness center). For this purpose, the details of the shared cardholder are viewed for other sites as 'read only' with a possibility to add to this cardholder Temporary Accesses at their readers.
  • Global – The cardholder can be managed, modified (including deletion) by any one of the sites. “Global” cardholder is a cardholder that can be edited in read & write by any site.

For buildings that are shared by independent companies:

  • A site may share with one or more sites its Infrastructure assets (Controller networks, Controllers, Readers, Inputs, Relays). If sharing a Reader with others, the other sites may assign this reader in their Access groups. For them, this reader will be displayed as read-only in the Infrastructure tree in order to show its definitions (e.g. door open delay, escort, APB, format, etc.).
  • DAG and LAG may use shared readers in addition to readers owned by the user’s site.
  • Maps may have Symbols or Regions linked to a shared asset (including Alarm Zones) in addition to assets owned by the user’s site.
  • An additional “Master site” is automatically created by default for managing common parts of the installation like building entrance readers. The Master site has the option to share or unshare its owned assets like any other site.

When upgrading from an existing single site installation AM8 version to a Multisite installation version, the site automatically becomes the "Master site" and the entire system is attached to this site.
 There is only one AcsServer and AcsNMservice that polls the controllers of all the sites and manages all the events. Also, there is only one DB server to which all sites must have access at the same time. Each site is managed from workstations connected to the AcsServer.


  1. Galaxy Panel integration 
      • The Alarms Zone Setup screen now distinguishes between a standard Alarm zones and Galaxy groups. This includes the ‘New’ button selection options and a partition separating the types of Alarm zones. An image is now appended to a saved Alarm zone that identifies the different types in the Saved list.
      • A ‘Line cut’ or ‘Line short’ event, specific to Galaxy panels, now appears in the Event Log and Diagnostic screens as a Galaxy alarm event instead of a generic Guardpoint10 Alarm event. The ‘Line cut’ and ‘Line short’ event also appears in the Security Center as on overlay on a relevant Galaxy linked icon.
      • Display on Maps and Event Log of Galaxy Tamper inputs: Box, Power, Battery, Aux (Extension of 3rd party to input), Wall Mount now display in the Event Log and as overlays on a relevant icon in the Security Center.
      • Global Reflex can use Galaxy Tamper inputs in a trigger or action as long as the Global Reflex Advanced module is installed.
      • A Position and Security Center map now display the arming status of Galaxy input on the map relevant icon.
      • In the Alarm Zone screen, a user can now change a Galaxy input group in the Alarm Zone screen. Changing the input group has to be done on the panel and Guardpoint10 or the next time it is triggered it will revert to the group assigned on the panel.
  1. Communication Engine
    The NM service has been made more proficient and by extension, improved the performances of the entire system. This has been done by removing: 
      • Frequent connectivity testing.
      • Obsolete communication checks.
      • Testing I/O from deactivated controllers.
      • Unnecessary Controller checks.
      • Fixing Galaxy I/O path checks.
      • Unnecessary API calls for non-API installation.

         Other NM Service improvements include:
      • Improving Activate/Deactivate Relays for maps.
      • Improving Alarm speed while the system is under stress.
      • Improving and expanding the "Audit" mechanism, new audits have been added like Activate Relay, Auto-invalidate cardholders, GR and more.
  1. Global Reflex
      • A Global Reflex action called ‘Send Message to NVR’ has been added. This Action sends a message to a specified NVR. The message is then acted upon by the NVR independent of Guardpoint10.
         A new NVR/DVR screen parameter has been added to support this action. Each NVR now include a “Message Port” field. This is the port where the NVR will listen for messages from Guardpoint10.
      • Dynamic text is now available for messages and emails. A message or email can include dynamic information about the trigger event (i.e. the name of the controller where the event took place). The dynamic codes available are as follows (without quotes): 
          • Cardholder Name: "%ch%"
          • Controller Name:"%controllerName%"
          • Controller UID:"%controllerUID%"
          • Input Name: "%input%"
          • Input UID: "%inputUID%"
          • Reader Name: "%reader%"
          • Reader UID: "%readerUID%"
          • Log Date:"%logDate%"

             Dynamic codes that do not have a corresponding value will either not appear or appear in code form. For example, a cardholder name would not appear for an alarm trigger event.
  1. Event Log
    When the Event Log screen is initially opened, the last 100 events are displayed.
  2. Cardholder 
      • It is now possible to add additional badge code to existing cardholders via import process.
      • The Cardholder table can now be grouped by a Custom Field. After adding a Custom Field to the Cardholder table, it can be dragged and dropped in the Group By bar like any other column heading.
      • Cardholder details now displays Badge and Access information in expandable groups.
  1. Security Center
      • The controller icon now displays overlays for ‘Box Open’, ‘Power On/Off’, and ‘Battery Low/OK’ events.
      • Implementing a 2-phase loading process for maps (map image and then icons). This allows maps with many symbols to appear in few seconds, but much quicker than before.
      • When the map resolution is too high we'll reduce it to double FHD keeping the ratio.
  1. Options
    There are two additional settings in the General tab:
      • Show Task notifications: When set to YES, shows task states at the bottom right of the screen.
      • Multisite support: Allows the user to partition the system into several sites.
  1. Video NVR integration
      • The Seetec video system is now available for integration into Guardpoint10 upon request. Note that the user interface prevents the user from having an active Onssi and Seetec NVR at the same time. Only one of them can be active at any given time.
      • The TVT video system is now available for integration into Guardpoint10 upon request.


  1. JET4-D4 Controller
    JET4-D4 default relay number is now 8 instead of 4.
  2. Controller activation and initialization
    The spinning circle that appears at the right of the Controller name in the Infrastructure & Diagnostic trees during controller activation or initialization was disappearing before the initialization has completed. Now it remains visible until the completion.
  3. Transaction codes
    Transaction codes now appear in the Event Log and Event History.
  4. Default Multiple Access Group
    The ‘Default Multiple Access Group’ setting has been moved from the Options screen to the Infrastructure screen’s Site details.
  5. API
    Additional Functionality:
      • Send all I/O events to SignalR.
      • Enable CRUD on Custom fields.
      • Include information about ‘active alarms’ in Alarm GET.
      • Added to input ‘Confirm All’ and ‘Acknowledge All’ actions.
      • Added to input new field ‘isUnderAlarm’. This field gives information if the input is currently under alarm.
      • Update Customized fields of a cardholder via the API.
      • Enabled filter by date and time.
      • Manage (Add/Update/Delete) Schedule MAG for a cardholder.
      • Manage (Add/Update/Delete) Schedule Reader for a cardholder.

Bug Fixes

  1. Controller initializations were affected by ongoing task related to Temporary accesses that cause infinite or very slow initialization. This has been fixed.
  2. Access and Transaction events did not appear in the Event log when four readers of a same controller were defined as "Biometric" with the “Hexadecimal” format. Now it has been fixed.
  3. In the previous versions, the alarm delay of an input was doubled. For example, if an alarm was set to occur after 30 seconds, it occurred concretely only after 60 seconds. Now this has been fixed.

General Information

Only 10 controllers can now be initialized at the same time. This was done to limit the demand on machine resources.


Guardpoint10 version 1.50.18 - July 25th, 2019

Bug Fixes

After upgrading an existing installation, the physical status of the symbols on maps was not refreshed automatically, but manually only. Now it has been fixed.


Guardpoint10 version 1.50.17 - July 17th, 2019

Bug Fixes

  1. When Line was cut or short, now an alarm is displayed in the Event Log with the mention "Line Cut" or "Line Short". Also, in the Infrastructure and Diagnostic screen, the Physical state and the Logical state are updated for such alarms.
  2. For inputs defined with the "Normally closed" status, the Start/End of alarm events are correctly displayed in the Event Log (and no more inverted).
  3. The correct overlay is displayed on Controller icons on the maps, when the Controller box is open (and not when it is closed).


Guardpoint10 version 1.50.14 - July 9th, 2019


  1. The communication log files of the AcsSecComService1 service have been optimized so that files do not grow quickly and do not take up much disk space.
  2. This version requires that .NET Framework v3.5 must be previously installed.
     We have added a check in the installation file that indicates if .NET 3.5 is missing.

Bug Fixes

"Box Open/Close" events were inverted on JET4 controllers (eg. "Box Open" event was displayed when the box was closed). 


Guardpoint10 version 1.50.13 - July 4th, 2019


  1. Communication Engine: To exclusively handle communication between the server and the controllers, we have taken advantage of the innovative Split project’s success and adapted it to the Guardpoint10 system. The result of this great undertaking is a new AcsSecComService1 communication service.
     The primary advantages of the AcsSecComService1 service are: 
    • Logging of communications. These logs can be found in C:\ProgramData\ACS\NM\Split\Log.
    • Designed to permit multiple service instance support in the future. This way high communication rates can be maintained, regardless of the number of networks on a site.
    • Stability where the previous engine may have experienced anomalies.
    • The NM Service continues to handle the preparation of commands going to controllers and the treatment of events coming from controllers.
  2. Personalization: This is a new feature found on the dashboard that allows any user to save a layout snapshot of their current screen setup. A user will then be able to choose to load the layout snapshot manually via the dashboard or, automatically load the layout snapshot every time they log in to the system.
  3. The Infrastructure tree can now be displayed in Table View (read-only). This enables the user to see more information about a selected report type in a customizable table. From the infrastructure’s Table View a user can: 
    • Manually export the displayed table to an Excel or PDF file.
    • Customize column selections, column filters, column sorts, and Group By structures.
  4. Report Templates: A Report Template is a report that may include column filters sorts and group by collections. The advantages of a report template are: 
    • The user no longer needs to manually rebuild a report each time they require it. A saved report template can be selected and loaded quickly with little effort.
    • A report template can be used in a new global reflex Create Template-based Report action with additional advanced settings found in the Report Templates screen. The new global reflex action and Report template screen are discussed later in this document.
  5. The Report Template feature is available in the following screens: Infrastructure (Table View), Badges, Cardholders, and Event History.
  6. A new Report Templates screen, found in the Setup Task group, allows you to manage report templates, this includes: 
    • Naming a template: Identifies the template so it can be selected to display on the relevant screen or included in a Create Template-based Report Global Reflex action.
    • Adding a description: Use to enter information about the purpose of the template or other data.
  7. These are Create Template-based Report Global Reflex action specific settings also found on the Report Templates screen: 
    • Entering a title that will appear in the report header: The title will appear in the generated report and report file name.
    • Specifying page orientation of PDF formatted report.
    • Indicating the color of the table heading row in the report as well as any Group By row.
  8. These are just a few of the things you can do in the Report Template screen. For more information, see the online Help.
  9. New additions to Global Reflex: 
    • Global Reflex now includes an AND logical operator. This is in addition to the already existing OR operator. By selecting the AND operator, each condition in the event trigger group must be true, within the specified time, for the assigned action(s) to take place.
    • New Global Reflex actions: 
      • Create Template-based Report: In this action, a user can save a predefined report in a specific folder and or send a report via email.
      • Run SQL Script: Runs an SQL script against the Main database, Journal or, both. This is a very powerful action that requires knowledge of SQL and a strong understanding of the Guardpoint10 databases. This action is only available when the Options screen’s “Display SQL script action in Global Reflex” setting is set to Yes.
      • Send Free Command: simulates system actions (i.e. badge swipes, input activations, etc.) This action is only available when the Options screen’s “Debug by Diagnostic” setting is set to Yes.


  1. The Global Reflex screen got a facelift: 
    • There is now Expand all / Collapse all buttons for the side menus and the workspace of a global reflex’s details.
    • Expand / Collapse for all action and trigger events placed in a global reflex.
    • Relationship lines between trigger events to better identify the connection between individual events and embedded event groups within the trigger event structure.
  2. Global Reflex Alarm trigger events now include an Alarm Zone selection option. This means that any alarm input in the selected Alarm Zone will trigger the event.
  3. The License screen has been updated. Among other things, the screen now displays the License Number, License Expiration Date, and Support Expiration Date: 
    • License Number: This is the ID of the installation. Even if the license is modified later, the License Number will not change. You may include this License Number in any future tickets sent to the SENSOR Support team. This will help to better know the history of the installation.
    • License Expiration Date: We may provide temporary licenses on request. When a license is temporary, the License Expiration Date is shown in the License screen.
    • Support Expiration Date: SENSOR partners may now order a license with an Upgrade maintenance period and/or a Support maintenance period. This allows you to place limitations on your customers’ systems (for software upgrades and support). It’s your choice. When ordering licenses for your customers, you may specify in the license form the relevant Upgrade and/or Support period limitation. Thus, this limitation is added in the provided license and will appear in the License screen of Guardpoint10 8. 
      • If a Support limitation period has been defined, from 2 months before the expiration date, a daily message is shown on the screen reminding the user to renew his support contract.
      • If an Upgrade limitation period has been defined, when the user will launch the new Guardpoint10 setup file for upgrading his version, he will not be authorized to do it and a message will invite him to update his license.
  4. Cardholder details Customized fields are more dynamic. From the Customized Fields window, you can now drag & drop fields to change the order in which they will appear in a cardholder’s details.
    The customized fields are Sortable and Filterable – like any other cardholder table column.
    There is a limit of five customized fields per Custom Field type that may appear in the Cardholder table.
     Customized fields can now be added to badge templates (limit of five customized fields per Custom Field type).
  5. The Import Cardholders table now allows a user to enter a Type by name, not just number. If the user enters a new Type, the type will be added to the database during the import process.
  6. The Position screen and Security Center screen now includes the following display option buttons: 
    • A map tree expand/collapse button located at the top of the top left of the tree pane.
    • A map Full screen/Exit full-screen button located at the end of the toolbar.
  7. In the Security Center screen, an Input icon will now show Short and Line Cut overlays, when relevant, until the cause of the alarm is resolved (i.e. the short or line cut is repaired).
  8. In the Security Center screen, a Controller icon will now have three possible alarm overlays, Box Open, Low Battery, and Power Supply Failure.
  9. In the Position screen, a user can now place multiple icons of the same element (Door, Input, etc.) on the same map.
  10. An Adapter field has been added to the infrastructure screen’s Network details. This field only appears when the network is TCP. The adapter types available are Tibbo (Default) and LANTRONIX. If your Guardpoint10 installation is an update, after you restart the machine, update the Adapter field value where relevant. Failure to set the correct Adapter value will cause anomalies when changing the baud rate.
  11. An updated OPEN controller is now available. The update’s advantages are: 
    • Supervised on-board inputs
    • Inputs diagnostic LEDs
    • Additional tamper (MS) monitoring input
    • Additional PSU Failed monitoring input
  12. In the Guardpoint10 list of controller types, the updated OPEN controller will appears as “OPEN” and any non-updated OPEN controller will appear as “OPEN (old)”.
  13. When adding a controller of type JET4 D4 to an infrastructure, the default number of inputs is now 16 and the default number of relays is now 8.

General Information

  1. Reader details have multiple text changes. The functionality remains the same, but the labels are more explicit.
  2. Resx Resource Manager (third-party tool): New tool for creating/updating Resx files. The biggest advantages of this new tool are that it includes an auto-translate function and an easier way to compare and change only the new entries.
  3. Text elements within the user interface, which were not specifically identified in the document, have been improved for clarity. In addition, minor bug fixes and enhancements have been incorporated into this release.

More information about the Enhancements and Improvements in this release may be found in the Online Help.


Guardpoint10 version 1.40.37 - Jan. 22nd, 2019

This release primarily addresses performance and system stability solutions.

Significant change to badge enrollment procedure

A reader must be specified as an Enrollment reader, in a reader details’ Main tab, in order to enroll a badge code via the Get button found in the Badges screen and a cardholder’s details’ General tab.


  1. There are few API enhancements to Guardpoint10: 
    • We now allow an API developer to design a call that sends information, including non-editable fields without failing, but only signaling these fields. An example of a non-editable field from the Cardholder resource is ‘LastPassDate’. To use this feature, add the "IgnoreNonEditable" header entry to your API call.
    • For Patch calls, we added the "GetNonEditableProperties" function. This function returns a list of all non-editable fields for every resource. The following is an example of an API call where this function is used:
    • More accurate and extended information now appears in response messages.
  2. Help (F1) has been updated and improved to assist the user workflow


  1. Cardholder download actions are now smoother, faster and successfully complete on a more reliable basis.
  2. Cardholder details Save actions are significantly quicker, regardless of the number of cardholders in the database.
  3. Database maintenance is more efficient to keep database integrity and to prevent the database from growing too large.
  4. The Diagnostics screen loads faster and smother.
  5. The process of changing a badge status to Free has been made faster.

Bug Fixes

  1. Cardholder Download actions in more complex scenarios now complete successfully.
  2. After a download action, where there is a large amount of data, the database no longer grows to unreasonable proportions.
  3. A non-resumable Guardpoint10 GUI service (zombie) no longer appears.

General Information

This document excludes some minor text changes within the user interface to improve clarity. In addition, minor bug fixes and enhancements have been incorporated into this release.

Verify that Guardpoint10 is in your Antivirus exception list to prevent system connectivity anomalies.

More information about the enhancements in this release may be found in the Online Help.


Guardpoint10 version 1.40.17 - Dec. 4th, 2018

New Module

An Enrolment Reader checkbox has been added to the bottom of the reader details Main tab.
When this checkbox is selected, badge swipes at the reader will appear in the Enrollment window that was opened via the Get button in the Badges screen and a cardholder’s details.
Badge swipes at a reader that does not have the Enrolment Reader checkbox selected will be
 excluded from the Enrollment window.

Note: A reader with the Enrolment Reader checkbox selected may still function as an access point like other readers.

Bug Fixes & Improvement

  1. Cardholders with multiple badges are now downloaded to controllers successfully.
  2. After initializing a controller, all relevant cardholders are now downloaded successfully.
  3. User interface and loading performance has been improved.

Verify that Guardpoint10 is in your Antivirus exception list to prevent system connectivity anomalies.
 Window Defender, and other antivirus software, can cause speed issues with the download process. Please make sure to add the following services to your antivirus exclusion list: AcsApiService, AcsNMService, AcsServer, AcsSuprema.


Guardpoint10 version 1.40.13 - Nov. 29th, 2018

The 'Toggle' mode feature has been added in the Reader detail screen.


Guardpoint10 version 1.40.6 - Nov. 15th, 2018

This version just fixes the following issue, when the GUI is in French, creating a new Profile closes the GUI automatically. In addition, to allow sorting the events by time, the fields 'Date' and 'Time' have been merged again.


Guardpoint10 version 1.40.4 - Nov. 12th, 2018

New Modules

  1. Area: A new Area module has been added to the Guardpoint10’s growing feature-rich system. Area is a highly configurable module, where spaces (building, rooms, etc.) can be defined as named areas, for monitoring cardholder occupancy. This allows Guardpoint10 to implement geotracking of cardholders within an access controlled environment.
    In addition, a user can generate and display a real-time Area report from the Area Roll Call screen. The report appears in a Report window. From the Report window, a user may print or export the report as required.
     There are three primary screens where the Area module is most visible.
    • The Setup > Area screen is where areas are defined
    • The Security > Area Roll Call screen is where cardholder occupancy details are available, in addition to area management and reports generation can take place.
    • Security > Security Center where capacity and occupancy may be seen in real time on a selected map.
    • Other screens where the Area module has a presence are Global Reflexes and Cardholder details.
  2. API Center: The new API Center makes it possible for an authorized third-party application, with API support, to communicate with the Guardpoint10 system to their mutual benefit. Fields have been added to some screens to support API implementation.


  1. Global Reflex’s triggers and actions have a new look with additional trigger and action items. 
    • Manual Event triggers can now be added via the Global Reflex screen. Simply click the Manual Events next to the Save button to open the Manual Events window. Click New and name the manual event. Enter a description (optional), and then decide whether the manual event will be available via the dashboard.
       A manual event is a condition that the user can trigger. A manual event can be assigned like any other condition, via a global reflex drag & drop from the Other Events group. A manual event trigger is manually executed by double-clicking a linked icon on a Security Center map or, a drop-down list in the dashboard (accessed via the first icon from the left).
    • An Activation setting has been added to the top of each global reflex’s details. This setting allows a user to disable a global reflex without deleting it. The global reflex can be re-activated at a later time by simply changing the Active setting to Yes.
    • Triggers and actions are now grouped in expandable subjects for easy access:
      New triggers:
      • Acknowledge or confirm alarm.
      • Line short or cut.
      • Start or end alarm. This is a merge of the Start alarm trigger and End alarm trigger that existed in previous Guardpoint10 versions (also in Entry license).
      • Battery Power state change, Low or Normal.
      • Controller box state change, Opened or Closed.
      • Power state change, Down or Up.
      • Power supply change, Interrupted or Restored.
      • Reader connectivity change, Disconnected or Connected.
      • Manual Event call. A named trigger without events that executes via user action.
    • New actions:
      • Cardholder validation: Changes the validation state of selected cardholders.
      • Display an Area report on PC: This is part of the new Area module. Displays a selected report on workstations in a Report window. From the Report window, a user may print or export the displayed report as required.
      • Send an Area report by email: This is part of the new Area module. Sends an Area report to a specific email address.
      • Backup database: Backs up the Database or Journal to a specific location.
      • Send free command: Sends specific commands to the selected controller.
  2. The map infrastructure used by the Position screen and Security Center screen has been updated to support a large number of symbols on a single map.
  3. The Security Center screen’s Alarms pane now includes an Auto scroll to last alarm checkbox. When selected, the Alarm pane list will scroll to the last triggered alarm.
  4. In addition to the existing pop out and docking features, screen pop out display management now includes:
    • Multiple screen tab stacks.
    • The ability to minimize popped out screens and tab stacks to the taskbar.
  5. The Options screen has some new tricks:
    • Options settings are now saved in the database allowing custom settings to be saved and restored later. The default settings can be restored at any time.
    • The Main database and the Journal can now be backed up or restored directly from the Guardpoint10 user interface without using third-party tools.
  6. The Pending window, accessed from the dashboard, now includes a double-click action. When you double-click a row in the Pending table, the relevant Infrastructure screen opens with details of the pending event’s relevant controller.
    Note: The Pending window is only accessible when there are pending events.
  7. The Event Log screen and the History Events screen have been enhanced. More events are now displayed on these screens. In the History Events screen, most of these new events can be seen in a new General Events table. Some examples of the events that have been added to these screens are:
    • Restore Journal Failed
    • Backup Database Succeeded
    • Backup Database Failed
    • Backup Journal Succeeded
    • Restore Journal Succeeded
    • Biometric reader connected / Disconnected
    • Power supply failure / OK
    • Battery is OK / Low
    • API Log
  8. The dashboard now includes:
    • A manual event icon that, when clicked, opens a drop-down list of existing manual event that can be executed with a click.
    • A hardware compliance icon that appears only when there is non-compliance with the hardware minimum requirements of Guardpoint10.
  9. In the cardholder details’ General tab, the Badge Code fields now include badge code description text. In the Badge Code combo box, you can filter the list of available badge codes by typing an existing description text in the field. This filtering makes the badge code selection process more user-friendly and manageable.
     A badge code description is added via the Badges screen.
  10. Korean language support has been added as an Guardpoint10 user interface option.
  11. The Guardpoint10 Entry License now allows for 32 Controllers – double the previous Entry version.
  12. Our list of supported Suprema biometric readers is growing. We have added support for: 
    • BioEntry P2 (model name: BEP2-OD) with firmware v1.1.1 or higher.
    • BioEntry P2 (model name: BEP2-OA) with firmware v1.1.1 or higher.

Bug Fixes & Improvement

  1. The Visitor Module Report Timestamps are now correct.
  2. In the reader details Main tab, the "Door Direction" field is now called "T&A Reader".
  3. In the reader details Access Mode tab, the Security level columns, previously labeled “Security level 1” and “Security level 2” are now labeled "Green Zone Definitions" and "White Zone Definitions" and are now referred to as “green periods” and “white periods” of the Reader weekly program. This was done to make the color code consistent with the Time Zone screen colors.

General Information

  1. System performance has been identified as a priority. Many strides have been made towards improving this area and will continue to be a priority in future releases.
  2. Maps with many symbols have a faster load time in the Position screen and the Security Center screen.
  3. This document excludes some minor text changes within the user interface to improve clarity. In addition, minor bug fixes and enhancements have been incorporated into this release.

Verify that Guardpoint10 is in your Antivirus exception list to prevent system connectivity anomalies.

More information about the enhancements in this release may be found in the Online Help.


Guardpoint10 version 1.30.5 - May 24th, 2018

This version just fixes the little issue, that during the Advanced installation setup, if selecting a specific SQL server, the setup was installed the default \AC8SQL SQL server instead of the specified SQL server.


Guardpoint10 version 1.30.1 - May 10th, 2018

These release notes belong to the Guardpoint10 version 1.30.1.


  1. A new Advanced option has been added to the Guardpoint10 installation wizard. The Advanced option allows you to: 
    • Select a folder, other than the default folder, where Guardpoint10 will be installed.
    • Select an SQL Server, specify a database name suffix, and choose an authentication method, other than the default, where an Guardpoint10 installation will connect.
  2. Global Reflex expands its list of Conditions and Actions: 
    • Schedule condition: Action may now be triggered by a specified time and date.
    • Tamper condition: Where applicable, when a controller box is opened an action may be triggered.
    • Reader disconnected condition: Where applicable, when a reader is physically disconnected from a controller an action may be triggered.
    • Run an external application action: Opens a third-party application on the Server machine with specific parameters. To execute the action, the Server machine must have the third-party application installed.
    • Send email action: delivers a message to the email address specified. To execute the action, the SMTP Mail Server information must be entered in the Options screen’s System & SQL tab.
  3. The Position screen can now be customized to fit your needs: 
  4. The Position screen camera icon may now be linked to a camera: 
    • A camera icon can now be linked to any camera found in an NVR or DVR defined in the Setup's NVR/DVR screen. In the Security Center screen, double-click the camera icon to display the linked camera’s stream on top of the map.
  5. Customized fields can now be added to cardholder details. Customized fields are added from the Cardholder screen via the Customized Fields window. The number of fields that can be added is virtually limitless and may take the form of a text field, a Yes/No slider, a number field or a date & time field. After a customized field is added, a new Customized Field tab is added to the cardholder details tab stack where the field may be assigned a value.
  6. User security has been improved. All user passwords are now hashed. Hashing is a one-way function in which a hashed value cannot be reversed to obtain the original value (password).
  7. A License Server is now in place. With this server a customer can activate a license with a provided serial code. The code will get the license information from the cloud and activate it without any delays. License activation can be done online or offline as required.

General Information

  1. System performance has been identified as a priority in this release. Many strides have been made towards improving this area and will continue to be a priority in future releases.
  2. Text elements within the user interface have been improved for clarity. In addition, minor bug fixes and enhancements have been incorporated into this release.

More information about the enhancements in this release may be found in the Online Help.


Guardpoint10 version 1.20.206 - February 1st, 2018

These release notes pertain to the Guardpoint10 version 1.20.206.

Major Improvement

Guardpoint10 includes three major improvements in this release.

  • Configure video systems from the Guardpoint10 8 interface. A new NVR/DVR screen has been added to the Setup task group that simplifies the video configuration and integration process.
  • Assign multiple badges of same or different technologies to individual cardholders, where each badge can work independently.
  • Readers can now be configured to support multiple recognition types and technologies. For example, a reader may now be configured to read Wiegand card and fingerprints.


The Enhancements available are as follows:

  1. A licensing system has been put in place.
  2. The possibility of branding Guardpoint10 8 has been introduced.
  3. The installation process can now seamlessly upgrade from our Guardpoint10 version 1.10.152.
  4. Security has been improved throughout the product (Hiding passwords, profile screen improvements, badge code is visible only on cardholders grid detail and more)
  5. Improved stability of the UI and communication with the server.
  6. Diagnostics and networks management improvements: 
    • More accurate information on controllers and bio readers.
    • Introduce the option to "Hard reset" the NM in case of problems with pendings.
    • More efficient reload of pendings to avoid collisions.
  7. General enhancements and bug fixes.
  • Cardholder pop-up load time.
  • Filter history events by time.
  • More accurate translation
  • Global reflex drag and drop actions.
  • Labels and tooltips
  • Help documentation updated

General Information

  1. Graphic elements have been improved. For example, the Display Event, Event Log and the Display Photo information are now split into three separate screens in the Security task group.
  2. Text elements have been improved for clarity. For example, The “Active Alarms” screen is now called “Security Center”.
  3. The Copy Daily Program to weekdays checkbox has been moved to the Select Daily Program dialog of the first day in the Time Zones’ Weekly Program screen.
  4. The default username / password have been changed to "admin"/"admin".


Guardpoint10 version 1.10.152 - October 20th, 2017

These release notes pertain to the Guardpoint10 version 1.10.152 Pro version and Entry version.

Major Improvement

The Guardpoint10 installation wizard is more robust and simplified. It is bundled with and performs an SQL Server installation when necessary and includes default parameters to further Guardpoint10 support. In addition, other prerequisites are installed automatically before Guardpoint10’s installation is completed.


The Enhancements available are as follows:

  1. Biometric reader support has been improved. The improvements include:
  • The list of automatically detected biometric readers now greys out readers that are already in use.
  • The Options > General tab no longer includes a Biometric Support switch. Biometric readers are now always supported.
  • A biometric reader’s manually entered IP address and Port must be validated before the information can be saved.
  1. Global Reflex usability has been improved. Actions can now be dragged and dropped from the list of available action.
  2. A Sort & Filter option has been added to the Select Cardholder dialog.
  3. The Options > System & SQL tab has a new Display planned cardholders amount switch. This used for development and troubleshooting.
  4. The Options > System & SQL tab has a new Display Unlock switch which resolves locked states.
  5. Galaxy integration has been made more reliable and more Galaxy-specific data is accessible.
  • Specify Galaxy group authorizations via the Profiles screen’s Manage Galaxy Groups Authorization button.
  • Galaxy events display with a clear and description in the Events Log screen, the Display Events screen and the Event History screen.
  • Galaxy audit descriptions are clearer.
  • Galaxy tasks appear correctly in the Task List window.
  • The Infrastructure’s Galaxy Zone table has been updated.
  • The Omit/Unomit statuses and actions now display properly throughout the Guardpoint10 GUI.
  1. Multiple Galaxy panels may now be supported Guardpoint10.
  2. The Profiles screen’s Authorization tree has been updated to reflect new functionality.
  3. A built-in, double-sided badge template has been added to the Badge Template screen.

Removed Features

The following features are removed in this release:

  1. Alarms are no longer animated in the Position screen. They are now exclusively displayed in the Security Center screen (formally known as the Active Alarm screen).
  2. In the Cardholder screen, the "Use report default fields" checkbox has been removed.
  3. In the Options > System & SQL tab, the Restore DB and Restore Journal options have been temporarily removed. The restore action may be performed via the SQL Server Management tools.

General Information

  1. Graphic elements have been updated. For example, the Display Event, Event Log and the Display Photo information are now split into three separate screens in the Security task group.
  2. Text elements have been improved for clarity. For example, The “Active Alarms” screen is now called “Security Center”.
  3. The History Events screen tab and the Time & Attendance screen tab are separated from the other screen tabs in the Management task group menu tabs.
  4. The Copy Daily Program to weekdays checkbox has been moved to the Select Daily Program dialog of the first day in the Time Zones’ Weekly Program screen.
  5. Enhancements to the current user experience and performance fixes.


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